GenerativeAI: A Platform for Open Source and Enterprise Generative AI Models

Mahaboob Basha
2 min readOct 4, 2023

GenerativeAI is a platform that provides access to a variety of open source and enterprise generative AI models. The platform offers a wide range of models, including text generation, image generation, and code generation models.

Open Source Models

GenerativeAI offers a number of open source generative AI models that are free to use. These models are developed by a community of researchers and developers, and they are constantly being updated and improved.

Some of the popular open source models on GenerativeAI include:

  • BARD: A large language model from Google AI that can generate text, translate languages, write different kinds of creative content, and answer your questions in an informative way.
  • DALL-E 2: A text-to-image diffusion model that can generate realistic images from text descriptions.
  • Imagen: A text-to-image diffusion model that is similar to DALL-E 2, but it is trained on a different dataset and has some different capabilities.
  • Parti: A text-to-code generation model that can generate Python code from natural language descriptions.

Enterprise Models

GenerativeAI also offers a number of enterprise generative AI models that are available for commercial use. These models are typically developed by private companies, and they offer a variety of features and capabilities that are not available in open source models.

Some of the popular enterprise models on GenerativeAI include:

  • Bloom: A text generation model from Hugging Face that is designed for generating creative text formats, such as poems, code, scripts, musical pieces, email, and letters.
  • Parti: A text-to-code generation model from Hugging Face that is similar to the open source Parti model, but it offers some additional features and capabilities.
  • Imagen Enterprise: A commercial version of the Imagen text-to-image diffusion model.
  • Parti Enterprise: A commercial version of the Parti text-to-code generation model.

How Many Models Are Enterprise and How Many Are Open Source?

GenerativeAI currently offers 42 open source generative AI models and 10 enterprise generative AI models. This means that the majority of the models on the platform are open source.

The reason for this is that GenerativeAI is committed to making generative AI accessible to everyone. By offering a variety of open source models, GenerativeAI makes it possible for anyone to experiment with generative AI and learn how to use it.

However, GenerativeAI also offers a number of enterprise models for those who need more powerful and feature-rich models. These models are typically used by businesses and organizations that need to generate large amounts of text, images, or code.

Overall, GenerativeAI is a valuable resource for anyone who is interested in generative AI. The platform offers a wide range of models, both open source and enterprise, so there is something for everyone.

